Gourmet visits to small adorable children

Well, small adorable child.

Meet Adara.


She is one of the cutest things I have seen in my life, and I could just eat her up. (Side note apropos of nothing, changing nappies is not difficult but it’s also not easy, as demonstrated by the fact that I changed my first nappy ever whilst her mama was sleeping, and I put it on back to front *slow clap*)

Fortunately, the last time I went to visit, I avoided this, but I did enjoy some other delicious delights with her utterly lovely mama, Larisa. Larisa and I share a love for good food, and whenever I go to visit her, the diet tends to go out of the window, and she takes me to different restaurants around her area and we generally eat well. One favourite place is Edamame, a Japanese-sushi restaurant in Oxford. They only serve sushi on Thursday evenings, and you have to queue out in the street to get a table! We liked it (and the plum wine) so much that we went back for “normal” service the next time I visited. If my visit falls on a Thursday again, I’m sure we’ll be having sushi again!

This time round, we started with Wild Lime. Larisa heartily recommended the parmesan crust pizza, so natch, I went for that. It was utterly delicious and I did love the fresh rocket on the top. DSCF3298

Adara happily nommed down on one of the crusts (better than the leaves of the plant she was trying to eat…) because mama is introducing baba to the good things in life early. As she should.

After a fairly horrendous time trying to get parked at Bicester Shopping Village on a Saturday – starving crying baby in the back seat, no spaces, stressed driver, stressed mama – (yeah…) we headed straight for FOOD andDSCF3382 ended up at Busaba Eathai. I’d vaguely heard of this place before, and I guess I’d describe it kind of like a more upmarket Thai Wagamama! Omgosh though the food. I had a Jungle Curry, which is a pretty hot curry. I’m not amazing with hot hot food, but this, although mouth-burning, was mouth-burny in a good way. It was so fragrant and flavourful!

DSCF3383The service was great too;our server bought a biscuit over for Adara along with our coconut ice cream desserts, and Adara continued her reign of charming everyone who sees her (she’s currently charming the United States. I fully expect her to have taken over by the New Year)



On Sunday, we were entranced by a hearty roast on the telly, so Larisa declared that we were going to Puddingface (which was utterly fine with me) who do HUGE pies in a million varieties – there’s a note on the blackboard menu that says that you are NOT allowed to share a pie (which seems a little harsh, they are HUGE) but they are delicious, so…

We also had pudding, because, you know, what’s having a weekend of good food without pudding?


Adara had some of the mashed potato crust (lucky duck!) and a napkin: (crafty bonus – this was the first proper garment I knitted! AND LOOK, it fits!)

ImageSo, that was my weekend of fun and frolics and food. More craftiness to follow, I’ve been a relatively busy bee…

In the meantime, have some more photos of cuteness, and my face.




3 thoughts on “Gourmet visits to small adorable children

  1. Oh how I love these pics and tales of your travels. I love seeing new pictures of Adara she is the cutest bubba!
    I’m also loving the foodie tales. My friend and I also ate at busaba eathai when we were at Bicester and I loved it. Agreed the service was fab. There is one in central London and their service I’m sorry to say was totally abysmal – never again! Much foodie crafty love! Xxx

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